Saturday, May 31, 2008

Beach therapy

We all love the beach, but Aaron seems to thrive there. He seems more at peace and comfortable there than any other environment we've seen him in. Of course, I guess most people find a certain therapeutic something about the sand and ocean. What's not to love? Well there was that sunburn thing, but I'm blaming that on sunscreen failure - or maybe ozone layer failure? Not sure, but I'm ramping up my SPF factor next time.

He'll just lay in the sand and let the sand and water run through his fingers for ages.

He loves to lay right at the waters edge and let the surf wash over him.

And the day's not complete without a sand castle.

And a sand angel.


Genny said...

Aaron is just my kind of guy. I probably wouldn't be as cute as he was resting in the water's edge and letting it wash over me, but I love the thought of it.