Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm not ready!

We leave in the morning for skiing in Red River and I'm still packing. I'll probably be up all night. Trying to think of everything that everyone will need is making my head hurt.

If we have internet access, I'll try to post some pictures. If I get everything packed and get us all out of town, that is.


Barb said...

Let me get this straight - You're leaving to go skiing in the morning, you haven't finished packing, and you're online blogging? What's wrong with this picture? No seriously, I hope you have a wonderful time skiing. I'm very jealous! See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I was taking a break.... to clear my mind.... so I wouldn't forget anything.... yeah, that's it.

'Chele and I were up until 1:30. And here I am again, although we had an 8:30 departure time. But this time I have to wait until the bank opens because my online banking stuff was acting crazy last night. And there's ice on the roads here, so we are not rushing leaving. You can all pray for clear roads - especially up in the mountains. Not too crazy about narrow icy roads when ascending mountains.

Peas on Earth said...

Have fun!!! I will be jealous with Barb. :-)

Praying for clear roads, sunny skies, perfect conditions, no emergency room visits ...

Genny said...

Well I guess that explains why you didn't answer email. Hope you have a safe, relaxing, fun holiday. If anyone deserves it, it's you!

BTW, I think you need to get a new bank.